Pure Rose Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, and More

Pure Rose essential oil has long been revered for its exquisite fragrance and numerous therapeutic benefits. Derived from the petals of the Rosa damascena flower through a meticulous steam distillation process, pure rose essential oil holds a special place in aromatherapy. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of rose essential oil, exploring its extraction process, chemical components, and the wide array of benefits it offers.

What is Pure Rose Essential Oil?

Pure rose essential oil is the concentrated extract obtained from the delicate petals of the Rosa damascena flower. Through a method called steam distillation, the oil is carefully extracted to preserve its purity and potency. This oil is renowned for its rich and sweet floral aroma, making it a prized ingredient in perfumery and aromatherapy practices.

Extraction Process

  • Harvesting: The petals of Rosa damascena are harvested at the precise stage when their essential oil concentration is at its peak.
  • Steam Distillation: The petals are subjected to steam distillation, where steam passes through the petals, carrying the essential oil with it.
  • Condensation and Separation: The steam is cooled, causing it to condense into water and oil. The oil, being lighter, is separated from the water.
  • Filtration and Storage: The obtained rose essential oil goes through filtration to remove any impurities before being stored in dark glass bottles to protect it from light degradation.

Properties and Chemical Components

The pure rose essential oil contains several noteworthy chemical components, including:

  • Citronellol: Imparts antimicrobial properties and contributes to the rose-like scent.
  • Geraniol: Exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties while adding to the fragrance.
  • Eugenol: Known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • Nerol: Offers calming and relaxing properties to promote a sense of well-being.
  • Farnesol: Possesses antimicrobial properties, making it beneficial for skin health.
  • Citral: Contributes to the oil’s aroma and may have mood-enhancing effects.

Benefits of Pure Rose Essential Oil

Emotional Well-being:

Rose essential oil uses and benefits

Just a single drop of Rose essential oil contains the aroma of a full bouquet of roses.

The aroma of pure rose essential oil can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and uplift mood, helping to alleviate anxiety and emotional tension.

Skin Care:

Rose essential oil is prized for its moisturizing, soothing, and toning properties. It can nourish the skin, reduce redness, inflammation, and improve the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and age spots.


With its sensual and romantic properties, rose essential oil can create a loving and intimate atmosphere, enhancing feelings of love, passion, and connection.


The uplifting aroma of rose oil may help combat symptoms of depression, reducing feelings of sadness and promoting a more positive outlook.

Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory:

Rose essential oil contains compounds that possess antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can protect the skin from infections, soothe irritations, and aid in wound healing.

Hormonal Balance:

Some studies suggest that rose essential oil can help alleviate menstrual cramps, regulate menstrual cycles, and ease symptoms associated with menopause.

Sleep Aid:

The relaxing properties of rose essential oil make it beneficial for promoting peaceful sleep, calming the mind, and reducing insomnia.

Incorporating Pure Rose Essential Oil into Aromatherapy

Rose essential oil can be incorporated into your aromatherapy practice in various ways:

  • Diffusion: Add a few drops of rose oil to a diffuser to fill your space with its relaxing and mood-enhancing aroma.
  • Inhalation: Inhale the scent of rose oil directly from the bottle or add a few drops to a personal inhaler for on-the-go relaxation and emotional support.
  • Topical Application: Dilute rose essential oil in a carrier oil, such as jojoba or almond oil, and apply it to the skin for skincare benefits or as a massage oil for relaxation and self-care.
  • Bathing: Add a few drops of rose oil to a warm bath to create a luxurious and calming experience.

Tips for Choosing Quality Pure Rose Essential Oil

When shopping for pure rose essential oil, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Look for reputable brands that specialize in producing high-quality essential oils.
  • Choose oils that are labeled as 100% pure and organic.
  • Ensure the oil is derived from the Rosa damascena species.
  • Opt for oils that have undergone third-party testing for purity and quality.
  • Consider the reputation and customer reviews of the brand.
  • Pay attention to the packaging—dark glass bottles are preferred to protect the oil from light degradation.
  • Assess the aroma of the oil; it should have a rich, sweet, and floral scent.


Pure rose essential oil is a remarkable and versatile oil that offers numerous benefits for emotional well-being, skin care, romance, and self-care. With its soothing and uplifting properties, it has become a beloved ingredient in aromatherapy practices. By incorporating pure rose essential oil into your daily routine, you can experience its incredible aroma and tap into its therapeutic effects, promoting a sense of balance and enhancing your overall well-being.

Rose Infused Bath Salts Recipe:



  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the Epsom salt, sea salt, and baking soda.
  2. Add the drops of pure rose essential oil and any additional essential oils you’d like to incorporate for a custom scent. Mix well to distribute the oils evenly throughout the salts.
  3. If desired, crush a few dried rose petals between your fingers and add them to the mixture for a visually appealing touch.
  4. Transfer the bath salts to a glass jar or airtight container for storage. Make sure to use a container that will keep moisture out to prevent clumping.
  5. Label the jar and include the date of preparation.
  6. To use the bath salts, simply add a desired amount (usually 1/2 to 1 cup) to warm bathwater and allow them to dissolve. Enjoy a soothing and aromatic bath experience.

Note: You can adjust the amount of essential oils used based on your personal preference and desired strength of the scent. Feel free to experiment with different essential oil combinations to create your signature blend.

Remember to store the bath salts in a cool, dry place to maintain their freshness and potency.

Enjoy your luxurious and fragrant rose-infused bath experience!

Rose Infused Moisturizing Face and Body Cream Recipe:



  1. In a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl placed over a pot of simmering water, melt the shea butter, coconut oil, and sweet almond oil together. Stir gently until fully melted and well combined.
  2. Remove the mixture from heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
  3. Once slightly cooled, add the rosehip seed oil and the drops of pure rose essential oil along with any additional essential oils you’d like to include for a customized aroma. Mix well to distribute the oils evenly.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a clean, sterilized jar or container suitable for storing your face and body cream.
  5. Allow the cream to cool and solidify at room temperature.
  6. Once cooled and solidified, your moisturizing face and body cream is ready to use.

To use:

  1. Take a small amount of the cream and warm it between your palms.
  2. Apply it to your face and body, gently massaging it into your skin.
  3. Use the cream daily or as desired for moisturization.

Note: This recipe makes a small batch of cream. If you’d like to make a larger quantity, you can double or triple the ingredients accordingly.

Store the cream in a cool, dry place to maintain its texture and freshness. It’s always a good idea to perform a patch test before using any new skincare product, especially if you have sensitive skin or known allergies.

Enjoy the nourishing benefits and delightful aroma of your homemade rose-infused moisturizing cream!

Nourishing hair mask recipe.

Note: While rose essential oil has many potential benefits, it’s important to use it responsibly and consult with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional, especially if you have specific health concerns or conditions.

Have fun creating a life that naturally makes scents!

Have fun creating a life that naturally makes scent!

Healing the mind body and soul with the power of plants.