Green Roots Botanicals is Dedicated to Helping You
Live Healthier, with Natural, Safe Alternatives.
My Story

Certified Aromatherapist Koreen Allen
My aromatherapist certificate is from Aromahead Institute. Their Aromatherapy Certification Program is approved by The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), and the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) – both leading governing bodies for educational standards for Aromatherapists.
The program is also approved by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP), an independent accrediting board for alternative health educational institutions and programs.
Hello, my name is Koreen Allen. I am passionate about helping people unlock the secret to overall better health and wellness. I help others make the switch from a chaotic, toxic lifestyle to a calmer greener toxin-free lifestyle. I am a single mom, and business owner. I do aromatherapy consulting and I own a 100% toxin-free cleaning service.
My daughter is hands down my favorite part of life, she is my reason, and my purpose! Like most moms I understand busy. We are all so busy with everyday life soccer, basketball, dance, birthday parties, work, and the list goes on. . . Busy makes the thought of making lifestyle changes seem terrifying. Let me assure you, I will make the switch to living green easy peasy, and fun. I am talking about a lifestyle change that will benefit the entire family, mom, dad, kids, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even friends, and neighbors! You can start slow, or you can jump in with both feet. Quite honestly you are in the driver’s seat, that is what this journey is all about, living life to your fullest potential, taking control of your health, and wellness. I can even show you how to get your wellness products free!!
Whether you are ready to jump in and start your wellness journey, or if you are just a little curious about how essential oils and oil infused products can benefit you and your family schedule a free consultation today. I can still remember opening my starter kit, my first reaction was. . . “WOW!!”
Trusted & Experienced
Reliable & Fully Insured
No Contracts
Satisfaction Guaranteed
What Is Green Cleaning?
Green cleaning is cleaning in such a way that does not harm the environment or the health of other living beings.
Why Switch to Green Cleaning?
Green cleaning is important to both the environment and our overall health. Our cleaning products don’t release toxic or hazardous products into the water and air.
Everything that goes down the drain in your home, the kitchen sink, dishwasher, shower, bathroom sink, washing machine, becomres part of the environment.
Everything we breath into our body from the air fresheners, to window cleaners, to dininfectants becomes a part of our body.
Everything we put on our body from the soap to laundry products, becomes part of our body.
Green Roots botanicals uses products derived from plants and the power of natural essential oils to clean and freshen your home or office.
What Is Aromatherapy?
At Green Roots Botanicals we use essential oils to create an aromatic experience that improves ones psychological and physical well being.
The essential oils we use and sell are naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants. They do not contain synthetic chemicals or petroleum derivatives.
The plant extracts that are carefully obtained through steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping. We offer essential oils, blends, and oil-infused products with the optimal levels of specific, naturally occurring essential oil constituents to maximize their potency.