Quick and Easy Cleaning Tips

Cleaning our homes is not a task many of us love to do, but the feeling of a clean and organized home is something we all cherish. A clean home brings a sense of calm and serenity that can greatly enhance our daily lives. While hiring a professional cleaner is the quickest and easiest route to achieve this, you might be surprised to learn that it’s not as expensive as you think. In fact, you can choose to outsource specific tasks if you’re on a budget. However, if you prefer to do the cleaning yourself, fear not! I’m here to share the best cleaning routine to clean your home.

Clean and Simple: The Weekly Routine

The Secret of Professional Cleaners

Have you ever wondered how professional cleaners can clean your home in just a couple of hours while it takes you several days to complete the task? The answer lies in their cleaning routine. By following a specific routine, professional cleaners optimize their time and efficiency. You can apply the same principles to your own cleaning routine, regardless of the size of your home or the number of rooms.

Starting Point and Flow

To begin, choose the room farthest from the entry door as your starting point. This ensures a smooth flow as you work your way out of the house without wasting time backtracking. In most homes, the master bedroom and bathroom are located farthest from the entrance. So, if you enter your home through the kitchen, the kitchen will be the last room you clean. Remember, complete one room before moving on to the next.

Master Bathroom: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s start with the master bathroom as an example. Enter the bathroom and begin working in a clockwise direction (left to right) around the room, starting from the top and working your way down. Use a Swifter duster with an extendable handle to remove cobwebs, dust the light fixtures, and clean the vent fan cover.

Next, continue moving left to right, scrubbing the shower, tub, sink, and inside of the toilet. Once everything is scrubbed and rinsed, wipe everything dry and disinfect door knobs and light switches from left to right. When wiping down the toilet, clean the entire bottom, baseboards, walls around the toilet, and the floor. Don’t forget to wipe down the toilet bowl brush and plunger, as they can accumulate dust and start to smell.

Finally, it’s time to clean the floor. If the bathroom is small, you can easily clean it by hand. Spray and wipe with a dry rag, focusing on corners and edges. In larger bathrooms, you can vacuum, dust mop, or use a damp mop for more efficient cleaning.

Moving on to the Bedroom

Once the bathroom is complete, gather all your cleaning tools and proceed to the bedroom door. Start by removing cobwebs and dusting light fixtures and ceiling fans using your Swifter duster with an extendable handle. Clear away clutter, and dust all furniture and baseboards from left to right using a microfiber cloth. Make the bed and pick up any items that don’t belong on the floor, such as dirty clothes, trash, or stuffed animals.

Next, clean the floor using your preferred method—vacuuming, mopping, or dust mopping. Don’t forget to pay attention to the area under the bed, as dust tends to accumulate there. The Swifter duster is a handy tool for cleaning under low furniture that the vacuum cleaner can’t reach.

Completing the Routine

Continue following this routine for each room until you reach the entry door of your home. Always move from left to right, top to bottom, and carry your tools with you as you go. The goal is to avoid backtracking as much as possible and save precious time. Once a room’s floor is cleaned, there’s no need to step on it again until you’ve completed cleaning the entire home. It may take a few tries to get the routine down, but with practice, it will become second nature.

Clean And Simple. . .

The Daily Routine: Maintaining a Clean Home

Keeping up with your weekly cleanings is key to reducing the time spent on deep cleanings. By incorporating a few minutes of cleaning into your daily routine, you can maintain a clean and organized home effortlessly.

Morning Preparation

Before leaving the house in the morning or starting work at your desk, ensure that all breakfast dishes are either in the dishwasher or in the sink if you don’t have one. If you have the time, hand wash the dishes or run the dishwasher if it’s full. Coming home to clean dishes is a much more pleasant experience than facing a sink full of dirty ones. Additionally, before leaving or starting work, encourage everyone to pick up their dirty laundry and put it in the hamper. Teaching kids to be responsible for their dirty laundry and dishes will go a long way.

Evening Clean-Up

Make it a habit to wash dishes right after dinner, either by hand or in the dishwasher. If the dishwasher needs to be unloaded from breakfast, take care of that before relaxing for the evening. If you have children, involve them in the dishwashing process—it can be a great time for bonding and conversation. Waking up to an empty sink will bring a sense of accomplishment to everyone.

Tidy Before Bed

Set a timer for ten to fifteen minutes before bedtime and ensure that everything is picked up before going to bed. Kids should pack up their homework, trash, and recycling should be taken care of, blankets should be neatly folded, remotes should be put away, toys should be returned to their proper place, and any laundry should be picked up. Don’t forget to tidy up and put away dog toys as well.


Embrace the Routine for a Calm and Serene Home

Establishing new routines can be challenging at first, but the secret to the best routine to clean your home comes from making these small changes. By incorporating these cleaning routines into your daily and weekly schedules, you’ll notice a significant difference in the cleanliness and organization of your home. A clean and organized home not only brings a sense of calm and serenity to you but also to your entire family. So, embrace these routines, enjoy the benefits, and make your home a haven of cleanliness and peace.

Want to explore the benefits of using aromatherapy in your cleaning routine?

Hiring a cleaning service

Have fun creating a life that naturally makes scents!


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