Unveiling the Magic of Palo Santo Essential Oil

Palo Santo essential oil is a fascinating and aromatic gem in the world of aromatherapy. This natural wonder offers a range of benefits that can elevate your well-being and connect you to the spiritual and cultural roots of its origin. In this article, we’ll delve into the essence of Palo Santo oil, its rich history, its extraction process, practical uses, and essential oils that blend harmoniously with Palo Santo for a truly enchanting aromatherapy experience.

What is Palo Santo Essential Oil?

Palo Santo essential oil is derived from the wood of the Bursera graveolens tree, also known as “holy wood.” This tree is native to South America and has a history as rich and diverse as the region itself. The oil is obtained through a steam distillation process, which preserves its unique properties and aromatic qualities.

The Origin and History

Palo Santo has been used for centuries by indigenous communities in South America. Its history dates back to the Inca Empire, where it was considered a sacred tree and used in religious ceremonies. The Spanish conquistadors also recognized its significance and called it “holy wood.” They used it for its pleasant aroma and for spiritual purification.

In Ecuador, where the majority of Palo Santo trees are found, it is still a vital part of local culture. Shamans and healers often use it in cleansing rituals and energy work. The wood is traditionally burned to clear spaces of negative energy, protect against evil spirits, and promote healing.

The Extraction Process

The extraction process of Palo Santo essential oil is relatively straightforward and eco-friendly, reflecting the reverence for this tree’s natural gifts. The heartwood of the tree is sustainably harvested from fallen or naturally deceased trees, ensuring the preservation of this precious resource. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Sustainable Harvesting: The collection of fallen branches and trunks from mature Palo Santo trees.
  • Sun-Drying: The wood is exposed to the sun, allowing the oil to develop its distinctive aroma.
  • Steam Distillation: The dried wood is processed using steam, yielding the essential oil.

Aromatherapy Benefits

Palo Santo essential oil boasts a captivating fragrance that can benefit your emotional well-being. Here’s how it can enhance your life:

  • Calming Aroma: The oil’s soothing scent helps reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Uplifting Mood: It promotes feelings of positivity and relaxation.
  • Focus and Clarity: Ideal for enhancing concentration during meditation or work.

Healing and Medicinal Uses

Beyond its aromatic charm, Palo Santo essential oil has some potential health benefits due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Here’s how it may help:

  • Respiratory Health: It can be diffused to clear the airways and ease breathing.
  • Pain Relief: Topical application may provide relief for minor aches and pains.
  • Skin Health: It may help soothe irritated skin when properly diluted.

Spiritual and Ritual Use

Palo Santo has a significant place in various spiritual and ritual practices, including energy clearing and meditation:

  • Energy Cleansing: Burning Palo Santo or using its oil can purify your space.
  • Meditation Aid: Its aroma can deepen meditation and prayer experiences.
  • Protection: Many use it to create a protective shield against negative energy.

How to Use Palo Santo Essential Oil

Using Palo Santo oil is a breeze, but a few precautions are in order:

  • Diffusion: Add a few drops to your diffuser for a calming ambiance.
  • Topical Application: Dilute with a carrier oil and apply to your skin.
  • Caution: Always use with care, and if you have skin sensitivities, do a patch test.

Essential Oils That Blend Well with Palo Santo

For an even more enchanting aromatherapy experience, consider blending Palo Santo essential oil with these complementary oils:

Palo Santo vs. Other Essential Oils

Palo Santo essential oil stands out among essential oils for its unique attributes:

  • Distinct Aroma: Its sweet, woody scent sets it apart from other oils.
  • Spiritual Connection: It has a strong spiritual and cultural significance.
  • Healing Potential: The antibacterial properties make it a versatile oil.

Sourcing and Sustainability

Supporting ethical and sustainable practices is crucial when choosing Palo Santo essential oil:

  • Look for Certification: Seek products with certifications indicating responsible harvesting.
  • Eco-Friendly Brands: Choose brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices.

Where to Buy Palo Santo Essential Oil

Finding high-quality Palo Santo essential oil is essential for enjoying its benefits. Look for wild-crafted, sustainably sourced palo santo essential oil. Look for a supplier that provides a GCMS report and check out the product reviews.  “All essential oils at Aromatics International are GC/MS tested. This ensures that we sell oils with the highest possible integrity for therapeutic use.”

Cautions and Considerations

As with any essential oil, there are some precautions to keep in mind:

  • Dilution: Always dilute Palo Santo essential oil before skin application.
  • Patch Test: If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test to ensure you don’t have an adverse reaction.
  • Keep out of reach of Children: Store it out of reach of young children.

Palo Santo Essential Oil Blends With Intention

Breathe-Easy Bliss

Respiratory support personal inhaler blend



  1. Begin by setting up a clean and clutter-free workspace.
  2. Take the blank inhaler tube or cotton wick and place it on a piece of clean tissue or paper towel. This will help prevent any spills.
  3. In a small glass or ceramic bowl, add the drops of essential oils as specified in the ingredients list. Gently swirl the bowl to mix the oils.
  4. Use a clean glass dropper or a disposable pipette to transfer the oil blend to the cotton wick or directly into the inhaler tube. Be sure to avoid direct contact with your skin and eyes during this process.
  5. Once the wick is saturated with the essential oil blend, place it inside the inhaler tube. Ensure the tube is securely closed.
  6. To use the inhaler, simply hold it up to one nostril, close the other nostril, and take a deep breath. Repeat with the other nostril. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
  7. You can use this personal inhaler as needed to support respiratory health. It’s perfect for on-the-go relief when you’re experiencing congestion, allergies, or any other respiratory discomfort.

Remember to label your inhaler with the contents and date for reference. Additionally, keep the inhaler tightly capped when not in use to preserve the aroma and efficacy of the essential oils.

Aura Alchemist

Anointing blend



  1. Start by preparing a clean and clutter-free workspace for your blending.
  2. Using a clean glass dropper or disposable pipette, add the specified number of drops of Palo Santo, Frankincense, and Lavender essential oils to your small glass bottle.
  3. Next, add your chosen carrier oil to the glass bottle. You’ll want to fill the bottle almost to the top, leaving a small space to avoid spillage when you insert the dropper or rollerball cap.
  4. Once all the ingredients are in the bottle, securely cap it and give it a gentle shake to blend the oils.
  5. After blending, label your anointing blend with the date and its purpose. You might also want to give it a name that resonates with your intentions, like “Sacred Space Anointing Oil.”
  6. To use the anointing blend, simply uncap the bottle and apply a small amount to your fingers. You can then anoint your body, objects, or ritual tools by gently touching or massaging the oil onto the desired area. Be sure to focus on your intentions while doing so.

This anointing blend can be used for rituals, ceremonies, meditation, or energy work to purify, protect, and uplift. The combination of Palo Santo, Frankincense, and Lavender creates a harmonious and spiritually grounding aroma.

Remember to store your anointing blend in a cool, dark place to preserve the essential oils’ properties. Also, it’s a good idea to perform a patch test on a small area of your skin to ensure you don’t have any adverse reactions to the blend.

Sacred Space Revive

House blessing or space cleansing diffuser blend



  1. Begin by setting up your diffuser in the desired space you want to cleanse and bless. Make sure it’s clean and filled with water.
  2. In a small glass bowl, combine the drops of Palo Santo, White Sage, Lavender, and Frankincense essential oils.
  3. Carefully pour this blend into the water compartment of your diffuser.
  4. Turn on the diffuser and let it disperse the aromatic mist throughout the room. As the essential oils evaporate, they will cleanse and purify the space.
  5. You can run the diffuser for as long as you like to create a serene and sacred atmosphere. Allow the scent to fill the room, and take this time to set your intentions for the space cleansing and blessing.
  6. While the diffuser is running, visualize any negative energy dissipating, making way for positive and harmonious energy to enter the space.

This blend combines Palo Santo’s purifying properties with White Sage’s cleansing abilities, Frankincense’s spiritual significance, and Lavender’s calming and soothing aroma. It’s an excellent choice for clearing and blessing your home or any space where you want to create a spiritually harmonious environment.

As you perform the space cleansing and blessing, focus on your intentions and envision the space being filled with positive energy and light. Remember to exercise caution with the diffuser and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe usage.


Palo Santo essential oil is not just an aromatic delight; it’s a bridge to history, spirituality, and well-being. Whether you’re using it for its aromatherapeutic benefits or its spiritual properties, Palo Santo essential oil can be a valuable addition to your well-being toolkit. Enjoy its enchanting scent and the positive vibes it brings into your life.

Author’s Bio

Hello, I’m Koreen Allen, a certified aromatherapist with a passion for learning and teaching about essential oils and their therapeutic properties. With years of experience, I’m here to guide you on your aromatic journey to well-being.

Have fun creating a life that naturally makes scents!

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The information provided here is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Essential oils are potent natural compounds that can offer various benefits when used appropriately.

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