Natural Remedies for Soothing Relief and Healing

Burns can be painful and uncomfortable, but did you know that certain essential oils can provide soothing relief and promote healing? Let’s explore the world of essential oils and aromatherapy for burn relief and learn how they can be used as natural remedies. Check out the recipes at the end of this article. It is extremely important to remember that severe burns require immediate professional medical attention.  I am not a doctor.  I am a certified aromatherapist, and these recipes are what I personally use with my family for minor burns including mild sunburns.

Understanding Burns

Burns come in different severities, and it’s crucial to understand the degree of the burn before using essential oils. Here’s a breakdown of burn categories:

  1. Minor Burns:

    • Superficial burns that affect only the top layer of the skin.
    • Commonly caused by brief contact with hot objects or minor sunburns.
  2. Moderate Burns:

    • Affects deeper layers of the skin, causing blisters and more pain.
    • Typically caused by scalding water, hot liquids, or prolonged exposure to the sun.
  3. Severe Burns:

    • Deep burns that can penetrate multiple layers of the skin.
    • Often caused by chemicals, electricity, or exposure to flames.

Using Essential Oils for Burns

When using essential oils for burns, it’s crucial to follow safety precautions and dilution guidelines. Here’s what you need to know:

Safety Precautions and Dilution Guidelines:

  • Always dilute essential oils with carrier oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil, or aloe vera gel before applying them to the skin.
  • Perform a patch test by applying a small amount of diluted oil to a small area of the skin to check for any adverse reactions.
  • Use high-quality, organic oils to ensure purity and effectiveness.
  • When it comes to using essential oils for burns, it’s important to prioritize safety and effectiveness. Choosing high-quality essential oils ensures that you are utilizing a product that is pure, safe, and provides the therapeutic benefits necessary for healing and soothing burned skin.

Essential Oils for Minor Burns:

  1. Lavender Oil:
    • Lavender essential oil has soothing and healing properties for the skin.
    • It can reduce pain, and inflammation, and promote faster healing.
    • Lavender essential oil is emotionally calming.
    • Dilute a few drops of lavender oil in a carrier oil and gently apply it to the affected area.
  2. Peppermint Oil (Diluted):
    • Peppermint oil provides a cooling sensation that can alleviate the initial pain of minor burns.
    • Remember to dilute it properly and apply it sparingly to a small area.

Essential Oils for Moderate Burns:

  1. Lavender Oil:
    • Lavender oil’s healing properties are beneficial for reducing inflammation and promoting healing.
    • Dilute the oil and gently apply it to the burn to soothe the skin.
  2. Tea Tree Oil:
    • Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that can prevent infection in burns.
    • It may also provide relief from pain and inflammation.
    • Dilute tea tree oil properly before applying it to the burn.

Essential Oils for Severe Burns:

Severe burns require immediate medical attention. It’s crucial to seek professional help rather than relying solely on essential oils for treatment.

When to Seek Medical Attention

It is essential to know when it’s time to see a doctor for your burn. Here are some signs that indicate the need for medical attention:

  • Deep burns that penetrate multiple layers of the skin.
  • Burns which cover a large area of the body.
  • If a burn is on sensitive areas like the face, hands, feet, or major joints.
  • Any size burn caused by chemicals, electricity, or exposure to flames.
  • Signs of infection, such as increased pain, redness, swelling, pus, or fever.

Simple Essential Oil Recipes For  Burn Relief

Soothing Burn Relief Salve



Glass stir Rod

Glass Storage Jar 


  1. Melt Coconut Oil:
    • Measure 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and melt it in a double boiler or microwave until it becomes a liquid. Ensure it is not too hot.
  2. Add Lavender Essential Oil:
    • Once the coconut oil is melted, add 5 drops of Lavender essential oil. Lavender oil is known for its soothing properties and can promote relaxation.
  3. Incorporate Tea Tree Essential Oil:
    • Add 3 drops of Tea Tree essential oil to the mixture. Tea Tree oil has antiseptic properties and can aid in the healing of burns.
  4. Introduce Peppermint Essential Oil:
    • Add 1-2 drops of Peppermint essential oil to the mixture. Peppermint oil provides a cooling sensation, which can help alleviate discomfort.
  5. Mix Thoroughly:
    • Stir the mixture well to ensure that the essential oils are evenly distributed in the melted coconut oil.
  6. Cooling Process:
    • Allow the mixture to cool down but not solidify completely. It should be in a semi-solid state for easy application.
  7. Transfer to Container:
    • Once the salve has reached a comfortable consistency, transfer it to a clean and airtight container. This can be a small jar or tin suitable for storing salves.
  8. Application:
    • Apply a small amount of the Soothing Burn Relief Salve to the affected area. Gently massage it into the skin for better absorption.
  9. Storage:
    • Store the salve in a cool, dry place. Keep it away from direct sunlight. If the salve becomes too solid in colder temperatures, you can warm it slightly before use.
  10. Caution:
    • Perform a patch test before applying the salve to a larger area to ensure there are no allergic reactions.

This homemade salve can be used for soothing minor burns or skin irritations. If the burn is severe or persists, it’s essential to seek professional medical attention.

*Store salve in an airtight glass container and apply topically as needed

Cooling Burn Relief Gel




  1. Prepare Aloe Vera Gel:
    • Measure 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel and place it in a clean bowl.
  2. Add Lavender Essential Oil:
    • Add 5 drops of Lavender essential oil to the Aloe Vera Gel. Lavender oil is known for its soothing properties and can help calm the skin.
  3. Incorporate Tea Tree Essential Oil:
    • Include 3 drops of Tea Tree essential oil in the mixture. Tea Tree oil has antiseptic properties and may aid in the healing process.
  4. Introduce Peppermint Essential Oil:
    • Add 1-2 drops of Peppermint essential oil to the mixture. Peppermint oil provides a cooling sensation and can contribute to relieving discomfort.
  5. Mix Thoroughly:
    • Use a clean stir rod to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Ensure an even distribution of essential oils in the Aloe Vera Gel.
  6. Store in a Container:
    • Transfer the Cooling Burn Relief Gel into a clean and airtight container. This can be a small jar or any container suitable for storing skincare products.
  7. Application:
    • Apply a small amount of the gel to the affected area. Gently massage it into the skin for better absorption.
  8. Cooling Sensation:
    • The Peppermint oil in the gel will provide a cooling sensation, helping to soothe the burn.
  9. Caution:
    • Perform a patch test before applying the gel to a larger area to ensure there are no allergic reactions.
  10. Storage:
    • Store the Cooling Burn Relief Gel in a cool, dry place. Keep it away from direct sunlight.

This homemade gel can be used for mild burns or sunburns. If the burn is severe or persists, it’s essential to seek professional medical attention.


Essential oils and aromatherapy can offer soothing relief and aid in the healing process for minor to moderate burns. Lavender oil, and peppermint oil (diluted), are popular choices for their soothing and healing properties. However, it’s important to remember that severe burns require immediate medical attention. Always consult a healthcare professional for proper assessment and treatment. Use essential oils as complementary remedies but prioritize your safety and well-being above all else.

Have fun creating a life that naturally makes scents!


Sun Burn Relief Kit

Essential Oils 

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Essential Oil Blends For Allergies

Have fun creating a life that naturally makes scent!

The information provided here is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

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