Improve Sleep, Reduce First Day Butterflies, Prevent Head Lice, and Enhance Homework Focus With Best Essential Oils For Back To School

Welcome back, parents and students! As a certified aromatherapist, and mom I understand the challenges that the back-to-school season brings. From restless nights to first-day jitters, head lice concerns, and trouble focusing on homework, the start of a new school year can be overwhelming. But fear not! I’m here to share The Best Essential Oils for Back to School to make this transition smoother for everyone involved.

Promoting a Good Night’s Sleep

Ah, the struggle of getting a good night’s sleep before the first day of school! Fortunately, there are essential oils that work wonders in promoting relaxation and better sleep.

Lavender is the ultimate sleep superstar! Its soothing aroma helps calm the mind and body, preparing you for a night of restful slumber.

Roman chamomile is a gentle oil that aids in stress reduction and relaxation. Diffusing it in your bedroom can create a tranquil environment, perfect for a peaceful sleep.

If restlessness keeps you tossing and turning, vetiver oil might be your new best friend. Its earthy scent helps promote a sense of grounding and tranquility, setting the stage for a deep sleep.

Calming Back-to-School Diffuser Blend



  1. Fill your essential oil diffuser with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Add the specified number of drops of each essential oil to the water in the diffuser.
  3. Turn on the diffuser and enjoy the calming aroma as it fills the room.

Pro Tip: Start diffusing this blend about 30 minutes before bedtime to create a soothing environment that promotes restful sleep.

Remember to adjust the number of drops based on the size of your diffuser and your personal preference for scent strength. Feel free to experiment and find the perfect balance that works for you and your family. Enjoy the benefits of this relaxing blend during the back-to-school season and beyond!

Reducing First Day Butterflies

Starting a new school year can be nerve-wracking, even for the most confident individuals. Luckily, there are essential oils known for their anxiety-reducing properties.

Frankincense is a master at grounding emotions and providing emotional support. Inhale its warm, woody scent to soothe those first-day jitters.

Feeling a bit nervous? Bergamot’s citrusy fragrance can uplift your mood and ease feelings of anxiety.

Ylang-ylang offers a sweet and floral aroma, perfect for promoting relaxation and reducing nervousness.

Tranquil Day Inhaler

You will need:


  1. Prepare the Inhaler:
    • Open the inhaler by unscrewing the cap from the bottom.
    • Insert the organic cotton wick or pad into the inhaler tube.
  2. Add Essential Oils:
    • Add 5 drops of frankincense essential oil to the cotton wick.
    • Add 3 drops of bergamot essential oil to the cotton wick.
    • Add 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to the cotton wick.
  3. Assemble the Inhaler:
    • Screw the cap back onto the bottom of the inhaler.
  4. Usage:
    • Whenever you’re feeling anxious or in need of a moment of calm, simply remove the cap and hold the inhaler near your nose.
    • Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose, inhaling the soothing aroma of the essential oils.
    • Close the inhaler when not in use to preserve the potency of the oils.

Pro Tip: Label your inhaler with the blend name for easy identification.

This portable inhaler will become your go-to companion for moments when you need to reduce stress or calm your nerves. The synergy of frankincense, bergamot, and ylang-ylang will help uplift your mood and bring a sense of tranquility to your day. Enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy wherever you go!

Preventing Head Lice Infestation

Ah, the dreaded head lice season. Fear not, for there are essential oils that have natural insect-repellent properties.

Tea tree oil is a potent anti-fungal and antibacterial agent, making it an excellent choice for head lice prevention.

Eucalyptus has a refreshing scent and acts as a natural deterrent for insects, including head lice.

Apart from its culinary uses, rosemary oil may help repel head lice and soothe the scalp.

Natural Head Lice Prevention Hair Spray



  1. Prepare the Spray Bottle:
    • Find a clean and empty spray bottle with a fine mist setting. Amber or blue glass bottles are preferable to protect the essential oils from light.
  2. Mix the Ingredients:
    • In a small bowl, combine the witch hazel and distilled water.
    • Add the drops of tea tree, eucalyptus, and rosemary essential oils into the bowl. Mix well.
  3. Transfer to Spray Bottle:
    • Using a small funnel if needed, pour the mixture into your spray bottle.
  4. Shake Well:
    • Before each use, give the spray bottle a good shake to ensure the essential oils are evenly distributed.
  5. Application:
    • Lightly mist the hair spray onto your child’s hair before they head to school.
    • Pay extra attention to the areas behind the ears and at the nape of the neck, as these are common spots for lice to hide.
  6. Avoid Eyes and Face:
    • Make sure to avoid spraying the solution near your child’s eyes, face, or mouth.

Pro Tip: Perform a patch test on a small area of the skin before applying the spray to the hair to ensure there are no adverse reactions to the essential oils.

This natural head lice prevention hair spray combines the insect-repelling properties of tea tree, eucalyptus, and rosemary essential oils to create a protective barrier for your child’s hair. Regular use during head lice season can help prevent infestations and provide peace of mind. Enjoy the added benefits of the refreshing scent that these essential oils bring to the hair!

Enhancing Homework Focus and Concentration

Concentration can be a struggle when there are distractions galore. Let’s explore essential oils that can sharpen the mind and boost focus.

Peppermint’s invigorating scent enhances alertness and mental clarity, making it ideal for study sessions.

The bright and uplifting aroma of lemon oil helps improve focus and concentration during homework time.

Rosemary is not just for cooking! Its cognitive-enhancing properties may also enhance memory and retention.

Hocus Pocus Focus Roller Blend



  1. Prepare the Roller Bottle:
    • Ensure your roller bottle is clean and dry.
  2. Add Essential Oils:
    • Carefully add the specified number of drops of each essential oil directly into the roller bottle.
  3. Fill with Carrier Oil:
    • Fill the roller bottle with your chosen carrier oil, leaving a small space at the top for the roller ball and cap.
  4. Assemble and Mix:
    • Insert the roller ball firmly into the top of the bottle.
    • Secure the cap onto the bottle and gently roll the bottle between your hands to mix the oils.

Pro Tip: Label the roller bottle with the blend name for easy identification.


  • Apply the Hocus Pocus Focus roller blend to pulse points, such as the wrists, temples, and behind the ears.
  • Use this roller blend whenever you need an extra boost of focus, mental clarity, or an invigorating pick-me-up.

This roller blend combines the refreshing scent of peppermint, the uplifting aroma of lemon, and the cognitive-enhancing properties of rosemary to create a magical concoction that supports concentration and mental alertness. Carry it with you in your bag or pocket and roll it on whenever you need to channel your inner focus. Enjoy the enchanting benefits of the Hocus Pocus Focus blend!


As you prepare for the back-to-school season, consider incorporating these amazing essential oils into your daily routine.  Essential oils are a natural and effective way to tackle various challenges, from sleep to concentration. As a mom for 15 years and a certified aromatherapist for the past six years these are the best essential oils for back to school that I personally use. Embrace their gentle power and enjoy the benefits they bring to your school year!

Stay safe, have a fantastic start to the new school year, and may essential oils be your trusty allies throughout this journey!  Make sure to share these tips with friends and family!

Have fun creating a life that naturally makes scents!

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