Its Significance and Symbolism

Have you ever come across the term “Spikenard” while reading the Bible and wondered what it means? Spikenard holds a special place in biblical references, carrying deep cultural and spiritual connotations. In this blog post, we will explore the significance and symbolism of Spikenard in the Bible, shedding light on its historical context and the messages it conveys.

Understanding Spikenard

Spikenard is an aromatic plant with origins in the Himalayas. In biblical times, it held great importance and was widely known for its fragrance and healing properties. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Definition and Origins: Spikenard, scientifically known as Nardostachys jatamansi, is a flowering plant that grows in the high altitudes of the Himalayan regions.
  • Historical and Cultural Significance: In ancient times, Spikenard was highly valued and often used in perfumes, ointments, and medicinal preparations. Its rarity and expense made it a symbol of luxury and abundance.

Symbolism of Spikenard in the Bible

Spikenard carries profound symbolism in biblical narratives, representing various spiritual concepts. Let’s explore its symbolic significance:

1. Spikenard as a Symbol of Extravagant Worship and Devotion

One of the most notable references to Spikenard in the Bible is the story of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet. This act of devotion conveys deep spiritual truths:

  • The Story: In John 12:1-8, we read about Mary, the sister of Lazarus, anointing Jesus’ feet with a costly jar of Spikenard.
  • Extravagant and Sacrificial: Mary’s act of anointing Jesus’ feet with expensive Spikenard oil demonstrated her deep love and devotion. She spared no expense to express her reverence and worship.

2. Spikenard as a Symbol of Humility and Gratitude

Another significant instance involving Spikenard is the story of the sinful woman anointing Jesus. Here’s what we can learn from this encounter:

  • The Story: Luke 7:36-50 narrates the account of a sinful woman anointing Jesus’ feet with Spikenard and her tears, expressing her repentance and gratitude.
  • Humility and Gratitude: The woman’s humble act of anointing Jesus’ feet with Spikenard, along with her tears, showcased her profound gratitude and faith. Her actions demonstrated the transformative power of forgiveness.

3. Spikenard as a Symbol of Royal Anointing and Consecration

Spikenard essential oil played a significant role in anointing kings and priests in the Old Testament, signifying their consecration and divine calling:

  • Anointing of Kings and Priests: In the Old Testament, Spikenard oil was used to anoint kings, such as Solomon, and priests, symbolizing their consecration and appointment by God.
  • Divine Purpose: The anointing with Spikenard oil represented a special calling and set apart individuals for a divine purpose. It denoted the empowering and equipping by the Holy Spirit for their appointed roles.

The Healing Properties of Spikenard

Apart from its symbolic importance, Spikenard also possessed medicinal properties mentioned in the Bible. Here’s what we know:

  • Medicinal Properties: Spikenard was valued for its therapeutic qualities, known to aid in calming the mind, promoting relaxation, and treating various ailments such as insomnia, indigestion, and anxiety.
  • Spiritual Parallels: Just as Spikenard brought healing and restoration to the physical body, its symbolic association with faith and redemption reflects the spiritual healing and transformation offered through a relationship with God.

Modern Applications and Relevance

Even in our modern times, Spikenard finds its applications and holds relevance in both spiritual and secular contexts:

  • Spiritual Uses: Some individuals incorporate Spikenard oil or its symbolism in their worship practices as a way to express devotion, gratitude, and humility in their relationship with God.
  • Personal Faith Journeys: Drawing inspiration from the stories in the Bible, we can apply the principles represented by Spikenard, such as extravagant worship, humility, gratitude, and consecration, in our personal faith journeys.


Spikenard, with its rich symbolism and historical significance, offers valuable lessons for believers today. From extravagant worship and humility to royal anointing and healing, the mention of Spikenard in the Bible reveals profound spiritual truths. As we explore its meaning and symbolism, let us embrace the message it conveys and strive to incorporate its principles into our lives, expressing our love, gratitude, and commitment to God.

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